
Publisher: Sullivan Street Press

Available in: Paperback, Ebook: EPUB, Nook, Kindle, Android

ISBN: e-book ISBN: 978-0-9963491-6-1, paper ISBN: 978-0996349178

Amazon (Paperback & Kindle)

Barnes & Noble (Paperback & Nook)

Kobo (EPUB)

V for Veg:
The Best of Philly’s Vegan Food Column

By Vance Lehmkuhl

V for Veg is a collection of Philly’s vegan food columns that Vance Lehmkuhl has written over the years for the Philadelphia Daily News.

Filled with wit, humor and good information about the vegan/vegetarian plant-based community in Philadelphia, the book covers many of the events, personalities, restaurants, and industries that have grown up in and around Philadelphia.

Combining healthful information with a sly, humorous style, Vance Lehmkuhl’s book will delight the veg-conscious and may spur many a meat eater to explore the animal-free options now available for feeding all aspects of our lives.

Vance Lehmkuhl is the vegan columnist for the Philadelphia Daily News, covering the city’s plant-based food scene in his print column “V for Veg” and philly.com blog “V for Vegan.”

He is also the founder of the eco-pop band Green Beings, whose patter song “Leftovers,” listing the varieties of food besides meat and dairy, has made multiple appearances on the Dr. Demento Show.

He served as political cartoonist for Philadelphia City Paper for 12 years, often writing feature stories as well. For many years he drew for VegNews Magazine the editorial cartoon “Edgy Veggies,” named after the caption to a cartoon in his first book, The Joy of Soy (Laugh Lines Press).